Dr. Darlene M. Steven Bursary in Nursing

Dr. Darlene M. Steven, RN, earned her Diploma in Public Health from the University of Manitoba in 1970, her Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) from Lakehead University in 1977, and her Master in Health Services Administration and Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration from the University of Alberta in 1980 and 1988 respectively. Darlene returned to Lakehead and joined the faculty in the School of Nursing. She taught and conducted research for over twenty five years. Darlene enjoyed being a teacher, a researcher, serving her university, her community and cherished interactions with her students. Her passion was that all students should receive quality education to achiece thier potential and those in finical need should have the same oppurtunity. This award was proudly established by Darlene in 2011 and added to by her spouse, Dr. Sabah Mansour, freinds and solleagues after her passing. This bursary honours her service to her profession, her community and her students. Awarded to a full time student enrolled in the Nursing program with financial need with a minimum average of 75%
