Robert Middleton Graduate Award in Geology

Robert “Bob” Middleton was considered a “pioneer” in modern mining exploration techniques and a globally renowned geologist and geophysicist. Over a more than 50- year career in the industry, Middleton was credited with being directly involved in
major discoveries in Hernia, on the north shore of Lake Superior, and Bell Creek near Timmins. He was also a leading figure and early adopter in the use of airborne and satellite imagery as an exploration technique. A highly accomplished geologist, geophysicist and professional engineer, Middleton’s technical skills and experience were highly regarded in the global mining industry over his multi-decade career of exploration field work, mine discoveries and company building, which included the formation of seven junior mining companies and setting up projects in 40 countries.
A pioneer in Geology-Geophysics, Petrochemistry, Petrology, remote sensing, airborne resistivity, and gravity program sciences, Robert’s technical firsts included: The first Geophysicist for the Ontario Department of Mines; introducing the gravity mapping program for Ontario; completing the first airborne resistivity survey and map of the sand and gravel deposits in Uxbridge and Whitchurch Twp.; completing the first airborne Geophysical surveys and airborne Geochemistry surveys in the Sturgeon Lake area; and subsequently, becoming the first to complete such surveys around the globe.
Robert spent considerable time working in the Timmins gold camp with Rosario Resources where he discovered a major gold deposit in 1979 that became the Bell Creek gold mine. With Rosario, he also discovered and developed the Pueblo Viejo mine in the Dominican Republic – the largest gold mine in the Americas and the third largest in the world – and brought it into production. He co-discovered the Golden Giant in Hemlo Mine in 1982 with Bruce Durham.
Awarded to a high-ranking graduate student, entrance or continuing, enrolled in the MSc program in Geology. Recommendation provided by the Chair of the Department of Geology.

Graduate Studies