Our Opportunities

Welcome to the Lakehead University myAwards page

Please note that we are currently in the process of updating our upcoming awards cycle that begins on August 15.

Below you will find a listing of funding opportunities that are available to registered Lakehead University students with brief information about each opportunity and the qualifications. To apply to any opportunity which require an application you must be a registered student. Sign in using your Lakehead University user name and password and you will then have the opportunity to complete the General Application. To sign in simply click the Sign In button located at the top right of this page.

New/Prospective Students – Please note that you must be enrolled at Lakehead University prior to applying for scholarships on this page.
You will receive your Lakehead University email address and login credentials once you have been admitted to Lakehead University.

If you have any questions, please connect with Student Central by Submitting an Inquiry.

The majority of the funding opportunities offered by Lakehead University are auto-matched through the General Application and you may not be required to complete any further applications. If you are eligible for additional opportunities that require supplemental information, these will display for you once you have completed and submitted the General Application, on the left hand side of your page. These are identified as Recommended Opportunities. You may still be allowed to apply to non-recommended opportunities but you may not qualify for these opportunities.

Many of our opportunities are funded through the generosity of donors within our communities. Be advised that all funding is subject to receipt from donor and we ask that you provide a thank you letter if asked to share your experiences with your donor.

For optimal compatibility, access the application system using any newer browser, e.g. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Apple Safari.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$2,455.00 Walter and Donna Brown Scholarship in Business
Created by Lynn Brown MacGowan and Lee Brown in honour of their parents,...
$0.00 Mr and Mrs James MacAllan Munro Fam Mem Prize-Poetry
Awarded annually to a student on the basis of competition. Entries will...
$0.00 Mr and Mrs James MacAllan Munro Family Mem Prize-Prose
Awarded annually to an entrance student at Lakehead University on the...
$0.00 Blakes Scholar Award
Established in 2017 by Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP to recognize...
$1,000.00 Dr. George Kondor Memorial Award
Awarded to an undergraduate student enrolled in Economics, Mathematics...
$2,000.00 Matthew Setterington Go the Distance Award
Presented to a student entering a Lakehead-Georgian partnership program....
$1,000.00 Orillia Shrine Award
Awarded to two students in their 3rd or 4th year of study in the Honours...
$4,000.00 Tenaris Roberto Rocco Educational Scholarship
The Tenaris Roberto Rocco Educational Scholarship is awarded to three...
$350.00 Thunder Bay Field Naturalists Scholarship
Awarded to one full-time 3rd or 4th year undergraduate student enrolled...
$0.00 Walker Wood Year One Award
Awarded to two full-time undergraduate students, preferably from...
$721.00 William and Dorothy Hyndman Award
More than 30 years ago, William and Dorothy Hyndman opened their home to...
$105.00 Norman S. Grace Scholarship
Awarded to a first year student of high academic standing who registers...
$0.00 Ontario Horticultural Bursary
Established by the Ontario Horticultural Association, this bursary is to...
$525.00 "A Vast and Magnificent Land" Undergraduate Scholarship
Awarded on the recommendation of the History Department to a student...
$560.00 "Canada Sea to Sea" Scholarship
Established to commemorate the retracing of the 8,600 km Alexander...
$745.00 18 (Thunder Bay) Medical Company Bursary
Awarded to an undergraduate student in any year and discipline on the...
$1,025.00 1st Nations & Inuit Health Branch Native Students Bursary
Established to provide incentive to full- and part-time students...
$800.00 1st Nations & Inuit Health Branch Nursing Students Bursary
Established to provide incentive to full- and part-time students...
$207.50 50th Anniversary Athletic Award
Awarded to one Orillia campus student and one Thunder Bay campus student...
$600.00 A J Cachia Bursary
Awarded to a deserving in-course student registered in any program on...
$660.00 A L Musselman Silver Jubilee Award in Music
A. L. Musselman grew up on a farm near Conestoga, ON. Largely...
Varies A L Musselman Silver Jubilee Entrance Scholarship in Music
Awarded to a student, preferably from Northwestern Ontario, who is...
$200.00 Abby MacNaughton Memorial Bursary
Established in loving memory of Abigail “Abby” MacNaughton. An alumna of...
$3,207.38 Abitibi-Bowater Bursary
Awarded to a student in the Faculty of Engineering, in their 2nd, 3rd,...
$1,696.25 Aboriginal Student Bursary
Awarded to full-time, undergraduate Aboriginal students in any program...
$1,000.00 Advocates' Society Indigenous Law Award
Awarded to one or more law students entering their second or third...
$500.00 Alex and Vince Mirabelli Community Champion Spirit Award
Vince Mirabelli, a well know community champion, grew up in Thunder Bay...
$600.00 Alfred Petrone Family LU 30th Anniversary Bursary
Awarded to an in-course student in any discipline on the basis of...
$730.00 Alumni Assoc of Lakehead University Indigenous Student Bursary
Awarded to a student of First Nations, Inuit or Metis descent enrolled...
$1,305.00 Alumni Association Business Bursary
Awarded to an undergraduate student enrolled in the Faculty of Business...
$1,305.00 Alumni Association Engineering Bursary
Awarded to an undergraduate student enrolled in the Faculty of...
$1,000.00 Alumni Association of Lakehead Univeristy Cultural Diversity Bursary
Awarded to a student self-identifying from a historically...
$1,165.00 Alumni Association of Lakehead University Bursary for Persons with a Disability
Awarded on the basis of satisfactory academic standing and financial...
$745.00 Alumni Association of Lakehead University Georgian Bursary
Alumni Association of Lakehead University and Georgian College Bursary
$1,000.00 Alumni Association of Lakehead University Indigenous Access Program Bursary
Awarded to a student in the Indigenous Access program with demonstrated...
$1,000.00 Alumni Association of Lakehead University Indigenous Nurses Entry Program Bursary
Awarded to a student in the Indigenous Nurses Entry Program with...
$990.00 Alumni Association of Lakehead University International Student Bursary
Awarded to an international student on the basis of satisfactory...
$1,000.00 Alumni Association of Lakehead University International Student In-Course Bursary
Awarded to an international student with demonstrated financial need.
$0.00 Alumni Association of Lakehead University Law Bursary
Alumni Association of Lakehead University Law Bursary
$1,625.50 Alumni Association of Lakehead University OSOTF Entrance Student Bursary
Awarded to full-time entrance students in any program on the basis of...
$1,509.50 Alumni Association of Lakehead University OSOTF In-course Bursary
Awarded to full-time in-course students in any program on the basis of...
$1,140.00 Alumni Association of Lakehead University Silver Jubilee Scholarship
Awarded to high ranking entering student in any Faculty at Lakehead...
$2,095.00 Alumni Association Orillia Bursary
Generously funded, in 2007, by the Alumni Association of Thunder Bay. ...
$340.00 Alzheimer Society of Thunder Bay Lakehead University 30th Anniversary Award
Awarded to an in-course student in any discipline who displays a special...
$2,850.00 Andre and Raymonde Turcotte Award in Engineering
Created in 2007 by Lakehead University alumnus and Lakehead University...
$6,260.00 Andrew Richard Pickering Memorial Bursary
Established in 1999 in loving memory, by the family of Andrew Pickering,...
$480.00 Ann Ross Memorial Award in Nursing
Established in memory of Anne Ross by her family, friends and...
$1,540.00 Anne B Cochran Bursary in Social Work
Established in 1999 by long-time Thunder Bay resident, Anne Cochran....
$2,322.50 Anne Whitaker Memorial Bursary
Awarded to Aboriginal students in the Nursing program who, following...
$1,060.00 Annie May Chapple Scholarship
Awarded to a full-time, high-ranking student with financial need...